Home remedies
- மிளகையும் வெல்லத்தையும் வெறும் வயிற்றில் உட்கொண்டால் இருமல் நீர்க்கோவை ஆகியவை குணமாகும்.
- சீரகத்தையும் கற்கண்டையும் மென்று தின்றால் இருமல் குணமாகும்.
- நான்கு மிளகையும், இரு கிராம்பையும் நெய்யில் வறுத்து பொடி செய்து ஒரு வெற்றிலையில் மடித்து மென்று விழுங்கினால் இருமல் குணமாகும்.
- நான்கு வால் மிளகைச் சிறிதளவு புழுங்கலரிசியுடன் வாயில் போட்டு மென்று அதன் ரசத்தை பருகினால் இருமல் குணமாகும்.
- தூய்மையான அருகம்புல்லை எடுத்து நன்றாக மென்று பற்களில் வலியுள்ள பகுதியில் ஓதுக்கினால் பல்வலி உடனே குணமாகும்.
- பல் துலக்கி பின் தேனை ஈறு முழுவதும் தடவவேண்டும். சிறிது நேரம் கழித்து வாயைக்கொப்பளித்தால் பற்களில் உள்ள கிருமிகள் அழியும்.
- தேங்காய் எண்ணெயை நாள்தோறும் பலமுறை உதட்டில் தடவினால் உதடு வெடிப்பு உதட்டு புண், தோல் உரிதல் ஆகியன குணமாகும்.
- அரிசியையும் திப்பிலியையும் சிறிதளவு எடுத்து தேனில் பத்து நாட்கள் ஊறவைத்து தினம் ஒரு திப்பிலியை வாயில் போட்டு அடக்கிக்கொண்டால் ஞாபக சக்தி அதிகரிக்கும்.
- மழைக்காலத்தில் ஒரு தம்ளர் பாலில் சிறிதளவு சுக்கு பொடி கலந்து இரவு குடித்து வந்தால் காலையில் புத்துணர்வு பெறலாம்.
- துளசி இலையை நன்றாக வெயிலில் காய வைத்து பொடி செய்து டீத்தூளில் சேர்த்து டீ தயாரித்து குடித்து வந்தால் நன்கு பசி எடுக்கும். குளிர்காலத்தில் ஏற்படக்கூடிய சளி, கபம் நீங்கும்.
- அரிசி பொரியைத் தண்ணீரில் வேகவைத்து சாப்பிட்டால் ரத்த கொதிப்பினால் வரக்கூடிய தலை சுற்றல் குணமாகும்.
- தலை சுற்றலுடன் வாந்தி ஏற்பட்டால் வெங்காயத்தினை சாறெடுத்து அதனுடன் தேன் கலந்து சாப்பிடலாம்.
- துளசி இலைச்சாறு, 150 மிலி கற்கண்டு இவை இரண்டையும் கலந்து சர்ப்பத்தாகக் காய்ச்ச வேண்டும். அதில் வேளைக்கு ஒரு டீஸ்பூன் அளவு தினசரி இருவேளை உட்கொண்ட பின் பசும்பால் அருந்தலாம். இந்த சர்பத் சர்வரோக நிவாரணியாகும்.
- மூளை, நரம்பு, இதயம், இரைப்பை ஆகியவற்றைப் பலப்படுத்தும். ஞாபகசக்தியை அதிகரிக்கும்.
- கண்களில் நீர்வடியும் பிரச்சனை உள்ளவர்கள் தினந்தோறும் வெறும் வயிற்றில் சில பாதாம் பருப்புகளை மென்று தின்றால் நீர் வடிதல் குணமாகும்.
- தூய்மையான தாய்ப்பாலில் இருதுளியைக் கண்களில் விட்டால் கண் சூடு, கண் எரிச்சல் ஆகியன குணமாகும்.
- மாதுளை இளைச்சாற்றில் சில துளிகளை மூக்கில் விட்டால் மூக்கில் இருந்து ரத்தம் வடிவது நிற்கும்.
- சித்தரத்தையைச் சிறிதளவு எடுத்துப்பொடித்து, பசும்பாலில் கலந்து உட்கொண்டால் தும்மல், மூக்கில் நீர்வடிதல் குணமாகும்.
- பூண்டுத் தோல், மிளகு, ஓமம், ஆகியவற்றை இடித்து நெருப்பு அனலில் இட்டுப்புகையைப் பிடித்தால் மூக்கடைப்பு மூக்கில் நீர்வடிதல் முதலிய நோய்கள் குணமாகும்.
- எலுமிச்சை பழத்தை பிழிந்து சாறு எடுத்து அதை சூடு படுத்தி சிறிது தேன் கலந்து நாள் ஒன்றுக்கு 3வேளை வீதம் உள்ளங்கையில் விட்டு உட்கொள்ள வேண்டும். இதனால் தொண்டை வலி தொண்டை தொடர்பான நோய்கள் குணமாகும்.
- வெறும் வயிற்றில் பச்சை திராட்சை பழத்தின் சாற்றை பருகினால் வறட்டு இருமல் குணமாகும்.
- தேனையும், எலுமிச்சை பழசாற்றையும் சமஅளவில் உட்கொண்டால் சளி இருமல் ஆகியன குணமாகும். நீர்கோவை விலகும்.
Q1 Can you give some interesting information relating to Hinduism?
A1 Given below are ten such information:-
1 Suvarnabhoomi airport in Thailand has a statue depicting the 'samudra manthan' which translates to 'the churning of the ocean', a very important episode in Hinduism.
2 Panchacila ( Garuda and the 5 Principles ) is the National Emblem of Indonesia, Garuda being the Holy Bird from Hinduism. Indonesian National Airlines is also named after Lord Garuda as "Garuda Airlines".
3 US president Barack Obama always carries a statue of Hanuman the monkey god with him.
4 Steve Jobs had suggested Mark Zuckerbug to visit to visit Kainchi Dham, a temple in Uttarakhand to find his inner peace and spirituality.
5 The World's richest religious structure is in India, The Padmanabhaswamy temple in Kerala holds properties including most precious jewelry worth around US$ 22.3 Billion.
6 There are 108,000 recognized temples in India.
7 The worlds tallest Subramanya Swamy statue is in Malaysia.
8 'Kumbhamela', a Hindu Festival which occurs once every 12 years is the largest gathering of humans in the world.
9 Hinduism also formed the basis for modern science with the advent of the decimal system, zero and point system.
10 The institution of marriage was founded and put forth by Hinduism.
Q2 Can you give some interesting information about last republic day and in general about republic day?
A2 On January 26 2016 , India celebrated its 67th Republic Day. French President Francois Hollande was the chief guest at the Republic Day parade in New Delhi in which the French military also took part. This was the first time a foreign military contingent participated in the Republic Day parade.
This day was first marked as Independence Day in 1930, demanding Purna Swaraj(complete self-rule) from the British colonial rule. In 1950, on this day the people of India gave themselves the Constitution, thereby creating a modern republic.
Q3 What is the news item- Kerala man feeds hungry street kids in a restaurant, gets surprised?
A3 It is not often we come across people making kind gestures, especially to the underprivileged. But there are some, who know nothing but to be kind, nothing but to be generous. And for them, karma is just, and mostly instant.
A man entered Hotel Sabrina, run by C Narayanan, in Malappuram in Kerala for dinner, after an all day long meeting, and placed his order. As his order arrived, the man noticed a pair of small eyes, outside the window,wistfully looking at the food served at various tables. A little ragpicker.
Man gestured the little boy to come in, and he came in with his little sister. He asked them what they'd like to have and the boy pointed at the plate on his table. He ordered another plate. When the food was served, the little boy couldn't contain his excitement. Just before he started, his sister held his hand, stopping him. He understood she wants them both to wash their hands before starting.
The kids quietly finished the food ordered for them. Neither did they speak to each other, or smile. When done, they rose, looked at the man,washed their hands and left. The man hadn't touched his food yet. He felt full.He finished his meal and called for the bill. When he got back to the table after washing his hands, he saw the bill and it moved him to tears he had been holding back all this while. The bill had no amount, but a message for him.
It read, "We don't have a machine that can bill humanity. May good happen to you."
A4 The Anjaneya Karya siddi slokam is given below:-
Asaathya Saadhaka Swaamin
Asaathyam Thavakim vadha
Raama Dhootha Kribhaa Sindho
Math Kaaryam Sadhaya Prabho
Q5 Can you tell the GANESHA GAYATHRI?
A6 The Ganesha gayathri is given below:- To be recited 16 times
Q1 Can you tell about Foods that Can Replace Pills?
four food items are told below:-
Potatoes – Headaches-A medium-sized potato contains 37 carbohydrates, which help reduce headaches by increasing serotonin production in the brain.
Garlic – Yeast infection-Garlic contains many essential oils that help prevent the development of yeast infections.
Chamomile tea – Heartburn-A great treatment for gastric inflammation, cramping, heartburn and gas, is mixing 2 teaspoons of chamomile tea in a cup of boiling water and brewing it for about 20 minutes and then drinking it.
Orange juice – Lethargy-The fructose in orange juice is a natural and fast-working stimulant, and research has proven the ability of Vitamin C to reduce damage caused by free radicals and provide the body with energy. Vitamin C is also a key factor in maintaining iron levels in our blood, which keeps it oxygenated.
Can you give some interesting information relating to Hinduism?
Given below are ten such information:-
1 The largest Hindu temple in the world is surprisingly not in India but is in Angkor, Cambodia.
2 Ayurveda, the plant based medical treatment practice has its roots from Hinduism.
3 Nepal ( 81.3 %) , is almost a Hindu Country with a higher Hindu percentage population than in India( 80.5 %). Nepal was formed by a Hindu saint called Ne Muni.
4 In Hinduism men and woman are treated as equal halves. Women are also treated as Goddesses.
5 Turmeric and Tulsi ( Holy Basil ) which are extensively used across the world in Hindu Temples are proven to be the Best Anti Biotics and Anti Oxidants, making Hinduism very medicinally Pro from Centuries.
6 Hindu temples are not just architectural marvels, they are energy centers and hold great scientific significance which was proven. The usage of metals and construction patterns are proven to transmit positive energy.
7 Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha are the four goals of an ideal Hindu. The word 'Karma' is derived from the hindu concept of 'good and bad deeds' What goes around comes around
8 Hinduism has reformed itself multiple times to get rid of any practices like Sati Sahagamana to suit humanity.
9 Bodhidharman, a Hindu prince belonging to the Pallava dynasty renounced his kingly pleasures in search of inner spirituality and introduced martial arts to China.
10 Buddhism has its roots from Hinduism, it originated first in India and later spread across Asia.
Who was person introduced Hinduism to western world?
Swami Vivekananda is famous for his speech on Universal Brotherhood at world religions conference. Swami 're introduced Hinduism to the western world. The Prime street in Chicago, USA is named after Swami Vivekananda in his honor and remembrance of his famous speech.
After his lab was burnt down in a fire accident and losing all his research material, Nikolas Tesla got depressed, learnt about Swami Vivekananda and Hinduism, Started reading about Hinduism and invented "Cosmic Energy" after he Spent reading Hindu mythological books which talks about the Universe and the exchange of energies.
What is the meaning of sanantana dharma?
There is no known founder or governing body for Hinduism. 'Hinduism' is not the real word for the religion. The real name for Hinduism is Sanatana Dharma. This means "eternal dharma", or eternal truth. The word Hinduism is derived from the word 'Sindhu River'.
What is the news item- Mumbai to hold its first edition of Dubai Festival
To capture and leverage the bi-lateral ties through cultural, business, trade and commerce exchange in Mumbai, Dubai is all set to launch its first ever Dubai Festival, a 10-day extravaganza starting from April 8th 2016 in Mumbai.
With a mission to create multiple opportunities to take Dubai to the world and bring the world to Dubai, Hungund Events and Entertainment Pvt Ltd announced the dates for the first edition of Dubai Festival in Mumbai (DFM) at BKC (Bandra), Mumbai.
"Dubai Festival in Mumbai has been organised to provide both countries opportunities, tailored to meet the market needs. We aim to bring an extravaganza of culture, trade, entertainment, food and tourism to Mumbai," said Mohammad Kaif Hungund, Managing Director, Hungund Entertainment and Events pvt ltd.
"I am pleased to announce our 10-day festival, which will include the best of Dubai in Mumbai. Our festival will be spread over 25,500 sq metres allowing us to give a platform for both b2b and b2c commercial and trade exchange. We look forward to seeing you at Dubai Festival in Mumbai," added Kaif Hungund.
The festival embodies the pulsating, progressive and dynamic spirit of Dubai. DFM will capture the essence of entertainment, culture, hospitality and business experiences through interactive events, spectacular shows and facilitation of business on both, a B2B and B2C level.
It will have dedicated zones related to tourism, hospitality, culture and other businesses like Real estate, electronics among others, giving Mumbaikar's a chance to experience Dubai right here in their own.
"It is our pleasure to be associated with Dubai festival in Mumbai. Trade between UAE and India has been on for years and we are proud of this association and thrive to make it more profitable for both the countries and strive towards the same," said Hamdan Mohamed Al Murshidi, President and Chairman of the Board of Arab Business Club.
"The Arab Business Club focuses on becoming the leading Business Networking Club worldwide and targets the Elite Business Circle in the Arab world, hence it provides opportunities for businesses worldwide to promote themselves and represent their country in this circle," added Hamdan Mohamed Al Murshidi.
Indians have emerged as important investors within the UAE and India as a major export destination for goods manufactured there. India-UAE trade, valued at USD 180 million per annum in the 1970s, has gone up to around USD 60 billion.
India's major imports from UAE include petroleum and petroleum products, precious metals, stones, gems and jewelry, minerals and chemicals.
"A substantial contributor to economic growth in UAE is the continual advancement of the tourism sector, and India has long been a significant contributor with more than one million Indians now visiting the emirate annually for leisure or business tourism purposes, or to see and spend time with friends and relatives," said DFM sponsor Kulwant Singh, Managing Director, Lama Tours and President of Indian Business and Professional Council (IBPC).
With a vision to promote and leverage bi-lateral ties between these two mega metropolises; the Dubai Festival in Mumbai will be a first-of-its-kind in India. The festival's mission is to create multiple opportunities of engagement between individuals, companies and corporations of both countries.
What is the news- Need to address shortage -of skilled manpower in civil aviatio
The central government on Monday called upon all stakeholders in the civil aviation sector to urgently address the shortage of skilled manpower.
According to Civil Aviation Minister P.Ashok Gajapathi Raju, there exists a tremendous mismatch between the type of skills presently available to the sector and the ones that are required. Further, Raju asked all stakeholders to work out ways for skill development -- taking into account the requirements and employment opportunities available in all the sub-segments of the sector.
The minister spoke after inaugurating a workshop on skills development in the sector. The workshop on 'Skill Gap Analysis' and 'Roadmap for Skill Development in the Civil Aviation Sector' was organised here.The workshop was based on the skill gap analysis of the sector which was conducted by ICRA Management Consultancy Services (IMaCS), at the behest of the Ministry of Civil Aviation.
In addition, the consultancy firm formulated a future road map for skill development in the sector.The ministry elaborated that the objective of Monday's workshop was to discuss the recommendations of the draft report which was submitted by IMaCS.
The report identified possible skill requirements across aviation segments like airports, airlines, MRO (maintenance, repair, and overhaul), cargo and ground handling.
"It has recommended building a robust training and skill building ecosystem through institutional strengthening, infrastructure and capacity planning, training process re-engineering, strengthening funding mechanism and monitoring and evaluation," the ministry said in a statement.
Besides, the report recommended setting up of a 'National Civil Aviation Training Authority' and 'Cargo and Ground Handling Sector Skill Council'. (ANI)
Jokes and humour
On a flight, a guy asked a beautiful lady sitting next to him... 'Nice perfume.....which one is it?... I want to gift it to my wife..!!' Lady 'Don't give her....some idiot will find an excuse to talk to her..!!'
2 A letter from a teacher to a parent: Dear Parent, Kumar doesn't smell nice in class. Please try to bath him. Parent's answer: Dear Teacher, Kumar is not a rose, Dont smell him,Teach him......
3 Mother to Son: Who is Tippu Sultan ? Son : Don't know Mother : Sometime give attention to study also. Son to Mother : Do you know Chinky Aunty ? Mother : Don't know Son: Sometimes give attention to Dad also
4 Teacher-Y r u late? Student-Mom & dad were fighting. Teacher-so what makes U late if dey were fighting? Student-one shoe was in mom's hand and one in dad's..
5 Husband came home drunk. To avoid wife's scolding, he took a laptop & started working. Wife: did u drink Husband : no Wife: Idiot then y u r typing on suitcase
4 Come to my home
Beggar - Give me food. Man - I'll give u vodka.🍻Beggar - i don't drink.
Man - i will give u cigarette.�Beggar - i don't smoke.
Man - i will take u to d races.🏇Beggar - i don't gamble.
Man - i will get u a girlfriend.Beggar - no i only love my wife.
Man - i'll give u food, but first u have to come to my house.🏠Beggar - why?
Man - my wife should see and learn what happens to a person who don't drink, smoke, gamble and only love their wife..
6 The closest I’ve been to a diet this year is erasing food searches from my browser history!
7 Man to wife: I always assumed you’d give me a pension when I retire from being your husband!
8 If your heart was a prison, I would like to be sentenced for life..
Theppam(float festival )at Thirukkurungudi
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